
Meditation is the journey inwards, a journey of self-discovery or, in fact, re-discovery. Meditation is the time taken for quiet reflection and silence, away from the hustle and bustle of daily living. Taking time out enables us to come back to a centered place of being. In our modern world, the pace of life is growing ever faster, and we are losing touch with our true inner peace and power. When we no longer feel grounded, we can experience ourselves pushed and pulled in many different directions. It is at this point that we start to experience stress and a feeling of being trapped. Gradually, over time, this feeling leads to illness and disease, as our mental, emotional, and physical health is thrown out of balance. Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond everyday consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins. Spiritual awareness gives us the power to choose good and positive thoughts over negative and wasteful thoughts. We start to respond to situations, rather than just reacting to them. We begin to live with harmony, we create better and happier, healthier relationships and change our lives most positively. Karma: It means action but doesn’t refer to physical deeds. Its action in three levels; body, mind, and energy. Meditate to clear Karma of past life and this birth to make your next birth a better place to live in. Learn the type of different body we have: Physical, Mental, and Energy body. Learn meditation just to calm your body and mind.

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